
What are First Signs of a Brain Tumor?

What is a Brain Tumor?

The brain tumor refers to the abnormal growth of cells within the brain. Such cells formed result in a mass, which ultimately creates an interference with the normal working functions of the brain.

The different sizes and locations of the brain tumor may affect different aspects of the working of the brain. A primary brain tumor originates from different types of brain cells, such as neurons or glial cells.

If some of these symptoms are observed, it will be relevant to consult a physician in due course. In any case, early diagnosis and treatment form the basis for survival over brain tumors.

What are First Signs of a Brain Tumor?

What are my First Signs of a Brain Tumor?

Early symptoms of brain tumour can vary significantly depending on the location, size, and type of tumour. Here are some common early warning symptoms a person can observe:

  • Headaches: New headaches or unlike-usual headaches that recur and worsen; worse in the morning, worse with positional changes.
  • Nausea and Vomiting: Feeling queasy or vomiting, especially if this is frequent and unexplained.
  • Seizures: Conversions or seizures, with involvement of shaking, twitching, or loss of consciousness. A seizure can be indicative that something is wrong in the brain.
  • Visual Disturbances: There may be blurred vision, double vision, or loss of vision in either eye or both. Sometimes you may see flashes of light or not be able to see things.
  • Changes in Speech or Hearing: Difficulty speaking enough so that others could understand, or rarely, trouble finding and understanding others. You may feel difficulty in remembering the words or keeping a tab on the conversations.
  • Problems either with walking or maintaining balance: Difficulty with balance, coordination, or gait that may make you feel unsteady or awkward.
  • Personality or Behavioral Change: A noticeable change in your mood, behaviour, or personality. You may feel much more irritable, confused, or unable to tackle a task you do without problem normally.
  • Weakness or Numbness: Weakness or numbness in your arms, legs, or face-usually on one side of your body. This might affect your ability to move or use parts of your body as you normally would.

Dr. Naresh Kumar Damesha
Consulting Neurosurgeon

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