
Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which aberrant brain activity results in seizures or spurts of strange behaviour. Epilepsy may strike anyone. With an estimated frequency rate of 1-2 out of 1000, it affects both men and women equally across all racial and cultural groups.

A seizure is when some electrical activity happens in the brain. There are two main types of seizures. Generalized seizures affect the whole brain. Focal, or partial seizures, affect just one part of the brain. A mild seizure is when you have no awareness for a few seconds.

To Diagnose Epilepsy, At least two seizures without a known trigger must happen in 24 hours. People with Epilepsy can experience a wide range in the likelihood of their seizures controlling themselves. Some people may require lifelong treatment but majorly can eventually feel calm from it on their own or through medication or surgery. Some children inherit genes that make them prone to developing more severe forms of Epilepsy, such as infantile spasms that need constant care due to their seriousness.

Symptoms of Epilepsy

Seizures are the main symptom of Epilepsy, and seizures can affect any process your brain coordinates.


Signs of the Seizures include : 

  1. Psychological symptoms like fear, anxiety, etc.
  2. Confusion & Loss of Awareness & Consciousness.
  3. Arms & legs Jerking.
  4. Stiff Muscles.

Major Causes of Epilepsy

Commonly Epilepsy has no identified root causes, but still, some common causes are seen in half of the population suffering from Epilepsy which is as follows –

  • Viral or Parasitic
  • Head Trauma
  • Genetic Influence from Ancestors.
  • Abnormalities in the brain like Tumour, Stroke, etc.
  • Development Disorders like autism, etc.
  • Prenatal injury.

You don’t need to worry, and there are multiple treatments available for Epilepsy like medication, surgery, and even some therapies thatmight also help. You must go and consult a neurologist or neurosurgeon, especially when the seizure lasts more than 5 minutes or Breathing or consciousness doesn’t return after the seizure stops.